Teeth Removal Services

Tooth Extraction

What is Tooth Extraction ?

Tooth Extraction is a procedure done in which a rotten or decayed tooth is removed from the mouth. Patients usually fear about removing the teeth and have certain apprehension about it. But don’t worry, our experts will clear all your doubts about extraction and make the procedure as painless as possible.

Types of Extraction Techniques

There are two types of Tooth or Wisdom Tooth extraction techniques :

Simple Extraction :

That is applied on teeth that can be obviously seen within the mouth. Commonly, a dentist uses a device called elevator to loosen up the teeth from the jawbone and then through an instrument called forceps in an effort to take out the tooth.

Surgical Extraction:

This is a more advanced technique and relatively complicated than simple extraction.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

  • Severe Tooth Damage/Trauma.
  • Malpositioned/Nonfunctioning Teeth.
  • Orthodontic Treatment.
  • Extra Teeth.
  • Chemotherapy.

Tooth extraction aftercare ?

  • Keep the extraction site clean.
  • Take all medications as directed.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for at least two days.